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2015 – Anchored
Seek His Face



If your life is like mine, it can be a mess at times. There are seasons in our lives when things don’t seem to work as smoothly as they do for those around us.  Many times, these are seasons when we need God to show up in a powerful way. As I read Mathew 6:33, it’s apparent that in these times, the important thing to do is to simply seek the Father. Simple right? It may sound simple, but the application of seeking requires effort.

What does it mean to seek? Seeking the Lord means to desire or search for His presence.  “Presence” in Hebrew is often translated as “face.” So, to seek His presence literally means to seek the face of God. To be before His face simply means to be in the very presence of our Father.

This is where we often miss it. I believe that God is looking for people that seek His face before seeking His hand. God’s hand represents God’s provision. And although we need God’s provision, we must first seek the face of the One who is our provider. Relationship is the key to accessing the provision of God.  When we seek the hand of God without first seeking His face, we are like a child that expects the keys to their parent’s car without first establishing a relationship with them.

Why do many of us seek His hand first? The reality is that we have tangible needs: jobs, houses, cars, food, etc. For others, we need God to do something BIG. We need marriages restored. We need financial breakthroughs. We need God to rescue our children. Whatever it is, it’s often urgent and needs God’s attention. Without realizing it, we approach our Father as if He’s a vending machine. We get it backwards when we seek God to get something from Him.

So what do we do?  Like any good father, God wants what’s best for His children. Our perspective must shift. In every situation we face, our desire must be to seek–not the hand of God–but to seek His face. We must approach God with the intention of solely knowing Him. Our God is able to do more than we can ask, think, or imagine, but that’s not why we seek Him. If you find yourself in a place of need, then my encouragement is to seek the presence of God. Seek His face. Spend time in relationship with your Father. When you seek His face, His hand always follows. It may be different than what you expect, but it will follow, and it will always be what’s best for you. Remember, His face must always be what we desire most!


“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” — Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

“Now seek the LORD your God with all your heart and soul…” — ‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭22‬:‭19‬ (NLT)

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” — Matthew 7:7,8 (NLT)


Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  We anchor to Your Name today.  Your Name that gives us authority.  Your Name that gives us hope.  Your Name that gives us assurance.  Thank You, Father.  Help me today to see that my identity is found in You…my Rock, my Fortress, and my Strong Tower.

Today is the day You have made; I choose to rejoice in it.  Be a watch guard over my family today.  Bless my work place with peace and prosperity.

All praise be unto You, my Lord…Amen.

Wade Smith

Campus Pastor

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